Posted 10 years ago
(206 items)
Hello Collectors and Visitors. I thought I show something, that most folks never seen, nor heard of. My last post was for the "girls", this one for the "boys"......
This series of pocket watches were produced circa 1965 by Westclox. They were marketed with younger boys as their targeted recipients. I've seen a few different ones of these over the years, but never the whole series in the boxes, with the exception of The "Sports" style also has a stop watch function. All comes with a belt clip carrying pouch, depicting the theme of the watch. Retail cost of these in 1965 was $7.98 + tax, pretty high cost when you consider Federal Minimum Wage was $1.25 per hour.
Thanks for looking and hope you've enjoyed seeing these childhood memories of days gone by.
Thank you aghcollect, always a pleasure and appreciated!!
I know you said "for the 'boys'" but I had to see who that poor kid was that they called "Johnny Zero"! lol...poor Johnny!!!
I love it and it is gender friendly as is Barbie :-) Great post as always ya never know what will turn up in your hoard ! xo
nice set Kerry!!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful complements and loves, very appreciated :-)
I wasn't aware there was a series. I have the Pro Sports shown in the 3rd photo. The box with mine has seen better days. Somewhere along the line it got wet.
Thanks for sharing this series. Now I will have to watch out for the other three.
Dave, the series are all 1965 vintage, seen a couple of the Frontier ones in the last year or so, on the "Bay", but not any boxes
Oh my ... Which one am I ???
Thanks Eye4, I'd say the Frontier type, bet Cowboys and Indians out ruled the others during your formative years
Yep ... Frontiersman for sure ... I am a generation after the lone ranger crowd ...
Hey ... Thought your time slot was Sunday mornings
bet you watched Fess Parker as Daniel Boone and wanted a coon skin hat, you could be either Davy or Daniel
Eye4, open time slot to when ever I can sit long enough to type....had a small problem arise, so now hanging out on couch or hard back chair
Nope, never saw the show ... I am a tad younger ...
OH've missed out on some quality
I had my heroes ... Barney Fife being one ...
Off the Andy Griffith show......Ernest "T" Bass was mine
It's me, it's me !!!!
Thank you RadiumGuy for looking and showing the loves, very appreciated!!
Thank you Jimam for all the loves, deeply appreciated!!
few people know that there was a johnny zero secret agent pocket watch made in 1966. cost was $9.98. it is very rare due to the $2 extra cost. it is confused with the airforce watch because it looks so similar. it has moscow added to the center dial and a stop action lever a 10 oclock. it came with a trifold vinal wallet like keeper- watch in the center, secret agent card on one side, instructions on the other.