Posted 10 years ago
(956 items)
This old Bennet tall pump looks a lot better after we cleaned some of the bird nest out of it and cleaned the glass a little bit. These old Deco Art Tall pumps are just beauties without any restoration at all. I think this is the heaviest of all the pumps that we have in the entire museum. This is the pump that was still being used to pump diesel on a guys farm in Paris Idaho. We had to replace it with a new Flo-Rite 20 gpm pump to get him to sell it. It looks great in front of the Sinclair Station and only needs the Globe & Light to be complete.
The Sinclair is a Bennett model 541, a rare pump. I have one fully restored :)
Just curious, are you able to stop the rust by putting like a clear coat of something on them? Or do you eventually restore them?
We generally don't do anything to the majority of our pumps as we like them just the way we find them. Our humidity is under 8% so major rust is not a big threat.
Restoring pumps to display outside seems futile to us as the sun & weather are rough on the paint and decals etc. of 100 or so pumps, we only have about 15 restored to any degree of consequence.
It's a beauty just the way it is!!!! With all the original ad glasses too:)
Thanks. My feeling exactly. It just needs a globe and light. I'm not sure what light or what went on the little light arm that comes out of the top of the pump. Any ideas?
Yours is probably a model 371 same body style as 541. The difference is the type of frames 371 had round tube frames and the doors unscrew to take off. The 541 has angle iron frame and the doors lift off. And the lamp shade is different too , I can't find a 541 with lamp shade.
I'll check tomorrow & see what model ours is for sure. I knew but old age got me & I forgot.