Posted 10 years ago
(5 items)
My mother calls this item of furniture the 'man cabinet' (???) and tells us that Dad brought it home in the early 80s'; to the best of my knowledge this cupboard has not had or did not come with a man.
This solid piece of furniture has been used as a cupboard, cabinet and laundry store only.
We believe the wood to be Oak.
Can anyone give more info about the possible date of this item please?
Dating a piece can be a bit tricky -- depends on a few factors. Just by the style it looks to be a 1920's piece -- but of course they can make that style today. So we like to look at close ups of the hardware -- the locks, the construction of the piece like the joints -- these are all clues to help discern age. It also has a certain "Federal" look to it but I doubt that it came from that actual period. It looks rather newish (a relative term) ie - it does not seem to show a lot of wear and there seems little aging patina to it-- has it been refinished to your knowledge?
Hi trunkman,
Im not sure? The sides do seem darker than the front but the same wood ?
Internally it all looks the same wood but the front has looked lighter but then wonder if that's from cleaning?
The front could be lighter because of sunlight exposure. I do not think this piece is over 100 yrs. old... looks more like something from the early to mid 1900's. I wish I could be of more help... perhaps other contributors can shed some light. On this site I find that the older a piece is the more comments arise....
By the way it is a lovely piece -- the design is great!!
Hi trunkman,
Thanks for the info so far, Im glad you like it :)
I would say bringing this home during the early 80's would be about right. It has recessed panels and applied moldings for decoration/cosmetic effect. If you look at the hinges only the very center is actually a pivot point. Everything above and below is for looks.