Posted 10 years ago
(8 items)
Both are about 6.5 inches long, 4.5 wide, and the taller one is 10 inches tall with the other being 7 inches. Family heirlooms with unknown location or date of origins. They are both porcelain painted a variety of colors
A photo of the base would help identify the item. :)
Looks like an export piece to me. Perhaps asian origin?
Would have included a photo of the base but unfortunately there are no markings of any kind. And yes they are of Asian origin but that is about as much as we know. Thank you!
The reason I would luke to see the base or feet of them is do I can tell if they are made in occupied japan or not. About half of the pieces made in occupied japan werr matked and some were not. It appears to be from that tine frame. The quality is wonderful, the gilding on target, and the painted feathers are perfectly done. This is the kind of quality that they would have done in order to sell the piece to a booming overseas market.