Posted 10 years ago
(1017 items)
First one I've seen. None of the others I've seen online have that twist in the pin. The pin/frame looks like silver. I would guess it's 1940s. In very good condition. About 1 1/2" diameter.
I gave about $2.00 for it!
nutsabotsa6 - you'll need a plane ticket to the Netherlands and a big, empty suitcase to carry all your flea market finds!
I'm with Ken! Ef how do you find such bargains! Beautiful. Karen.
Karen - Thanks! I've been pawing through people's stuff for decades. It's an obsession! I've learned to recognize silver and gold, and have ended up with many great pieces of jewelry sold me me for literally pennies. A few months ago, in the local Salvation Army, I bought a Nomination Expandable stainless steel bracelet with 18k gold trim for under $2.00. Nomination sells this particular bracelet for $126.00!!! It's also about being in the right place at the right time. Bonnie
I am seriously considering leaving CW because of you, Bonnie! lol :P
katherinescollections...oh, please don't goooooo....I would miss yoooooooou..... *hugs*
ROFL, oh I'm just pouting, don't mind me!! :)) *hugs back harder*
OAS - this is what I just found:
Image 2-25 is the same mark. 1953-1965.
OAS, yay! Can't wait to see your post! :)
I know!! Okay, will wait patiently. :)
How is the eye doing, dare I ask?