Posted 10 years ago
(1232 items)
Picked this colorful watercolor up from Goodwill this morning. They had a huge selection of pictures for some reason and I had seen this one earlier in the week. Of course it's sticker color change day so at 1/2 price it made it even better. It uses a technique were salt is sprinkled on the painting while it's damp. The reaction causes a bloom effect in the watercolor pigment. You are never sure what kind of effect it will produce and it creates texture as well. You can still see some of the crystals up close. The salt wrinkles the paper overall which adds dimension to the painting. It's nicely framed with a salmon color (OK pink) matte that somehow seems to work. The frame itself is heavy and carved with a gesso coating painted in a mottled gold, bronze and black antique finish. It is signed but no luck deciphering it. I'll guess mid-century from Spain or Mexico. -Mike-
Cool picture ! Love the bright colours :-)
Thanks surf :)
Would hang well here Mike!
Thanks Karen....I actually retired one to hang this in it's place. A little change is good for the soul. :)
Great color and texture Mike!