Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
I picked this up literally on the side of the road yesterday. It looks very similar to the titanic deck chairs excepting the cane back and foot rests. I would love to know it's origin (American, British, Danish, French?) and if I should attempt to restore it?
It's hard to say anything without seeing any markings, have you found any on the chair that might say who made it or when? The markings could be anywhere. And I wouldn't restore any furniture before I know a bit more about its craftsman, and that restoring it doesn't take away from its value, if any.
Thank you Binary Reflex. I can't find any markings at all. No white star, no drill marks for name plates, no manufacturers mark, stamp, nothing. I picked it up because I liked it and the rest was from google yesterday. It looks in absolute origin condition- timber washers and matching brass bolts etc. I think I will take it to an auction house in Melbourne for evaluation. thanks
I agree it is a steamer folding deck chair. Best to have it examined before you do any restoration. Originals even unmarked can bring a few hundred to over a thousand dollars. Even in this condition it would have value. May well be worth more untouched as the next owner may be fussy about who does the restoration. Most chair collectors can be pretty anal about restoration.
Thanks fhrjr2. Great advice. I will take it to a local auctioneer/valuer next Monday -cobwebs, dust and all - and post the findings.