Posted 10 years ago
(25 items)
I'm guessing (hoping) this is bone rather than Ivory although I have little experience with either. It has a very smooth feel to it. I'm not sure if the brown stains are patina or the original colour of the material and I believe the metal to be brass. Under a 45x loupe the material is picked with little brown holes. Several of the 'panels' have brown concentric lines through them. Any ideas anybody? xx
You did well looking under magnifier, the little pits are specific to bone.
What you have there is a camel bone and brass vintage bangle, made in India (lots of camels in Rajasthan!).
The bone have been patinated with tea and perhaps thin varnish.
So 70' :-)
Oh wow, thanks for that kyratango. And thanks for link too. I've bookmarked it for future reference. So, camel, eh? I get a strange feeling when I handle anything that used to have a face. Even teeth. I'm not squeamish, it just makes me feel a bit prickly. (That feeling doesn't apply to nice big bloody steaks though; only jewellery, hehe.) I have another similar bangle which is really heavy and more cream looking, and that one I could look at all day but I don't pick it up very often. I'll post it next. Thanks again :)
Yes! It looks very much like those bangles.
I will! Thanks guys and dolls. Mwah x
I have one some what like hers yet mine has a pen that holds the two sides together and it is ivory.
Oh, yes, I know what you mean. I've just bought something similar online and I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival. I'll post it when it gets here. I've recently acquired a really dark brown one too, although I haven't had a chance to get a look at it yet.