Posted 10 years ago
(573 items)
I am not sure I am 100% here as I am not used to differentiating Loetz chine from Kralik threaded, but I think I am right - if not, break it to me gently!
It has dimples on 2 sides only.
It is 10cm tall so wee but not miniature.
This is my first time seeing it in green Ian. It's a beauty!
If it's threaded (Loetz), you are unlikely to feel the threading on the inside; if it's moulded (Kralik) you will feel the threading on the inside
Thanks - Kralik I think then.
That's something I've learnt today, thanks for asking IanBrighton and thank you Lustrousstone for sharing your knowledge!...great vase too love the colour and shape!...:-)