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Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Posters at Shelburne Museum

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (156 items)

    Three of many great circus posters on display this summer at the Shelburne Museum in Vermont.

    Apparently The Ringling Brothers purchased the Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1907, but ran the circuses separately until they were finally merged in 1919.

    Part of my summer 2010 east coast antiques tour.

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    1. David Vallee, 15 years ago
      Hi, I recently purchased a ringling bros and Barnum&Baily combined shows-circus poster.The poster depicts a giant clown bent over tipping his hat while standing over the circus tents. I havent found any other posters like this one nor do I know the age of this piece. Can you identify this poster? Mesures 17" by 24" The bottom of this poster also looks to have had something attached at one time .
    2. Linda Brevik, 14 years ago
      I think I have the same poster as you do,Could you give me any info on it.I have not been able to find anythingabout it.
    3. Deb, 14 years ago
      I have a framed p-6 ringling brothers barnum & bailey consolidation poster and would like to know the value. On the bottom it states p-6------1920
    4. jackofalltrades, 14 years ago
      That is one evil looking clown !
    5. Danielle, 14 years ago
      I have a ringling bros barnum and bailey poster with "The beautiful graceful arenic queen mlle elena.
      The charming principal bareback equestrienne" written on it.
      I was wondering if it is worth anything and if I should send a pic.
      thank you
    6. Brian, 14 years ago
      Has anyone ever seen a large consolidation poster with an elephant head surrounded by other animals? Is it worth much? It is in kind of rough shape but displays ok.
    7. shellyc111 shellyc111, 13 years ago
      How much are those posters worth?

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