Posted 10 years ago
(807 items)
I thought I would post this to see if anyone had an opinion. I believe it to be a swivel top spice box, possibly PA Dutch? The back of the box has been damaged by bugs or moisture.....I am curious to see if anyone thinks it is a fake this time. Enjoy.
No, sorry, it's not Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch.
Maybe try India,
T A amp...a fake as usual.
The morning star design has it's roots in Christianity, so it's not coincidental that old order PA sects used it. The same thing in ancient form:
I may just be imagining it, but I swear the "questionable items" start to appear in the shops towards the time the shop's rent is due ;) let the buyer beware.
not quite sure where we are headed here tube....u think I just bought this in a "shop"?
Just an observation when I'm out shopping. It happens at some estate sales too. My neighbor was Japanese and I have been inside her home more times than I could ever guess and recall most of her rooms furnishings. The day before the estate sale, the auction company truck was in her driveway unloading Chinese "antiques" and 80's era electronics, etc. (it made her look like a hoarder).
So, I have no idea how or where or even when you acquired this piece.
Just making conversation, I am,
TubeAmp, I hear what you are saying...and it is true. This piece actually came from a collector of American Folk Art in northern NJ. I spoke with him a lot about the piece and he was, in fact, quite honest about it. He told me he had no idea where it was from, if it was authentic, or what it was. He bought it 30 years ago at Brimfield because he had a "gut feeling". So I took a chance on it...wasn't terribly expensive. I have been burned too many times to take this stuff for granted which is why I respect your opinion and skepticism. The motifs are not uncommon for an American antique....but the form is certainly not common. It does lack the wear I would expect but maybe someone cleaned it up.....or perhaps it is contemporary.....we will never know for sure. Take care!
|Never see this in my country so I think not Dutch. Nice!
Agram.m the Pennsylvania Dutch are Germans, the colonists mistook them for being Dutch when they said they were Deitsch (Deutsche).
That is interesting....I didn't know that.
What a cool piece ! Hand carved and so unique . To fancy for Penn Dutch but it reminds me of old south work or Indian not India . Love it and it is great folk art .
thank you manikin for the kind words. agram thank you also!
It's got that real rustic look to me & does have a aged look. Take care & enjoy your day