Posted 10 years ago
(436 items)
I'm uploading photos of this early to mid 1800's Table Cross to show how to date these old Crosses that are still plentiful in Quebec and in parts of the U.S. where French Canadians migrated to in the 1800's (N. Atlantic States). Mikelv85 uploaded a very similar in design cross that shows the feet of Christ overlapping and a single nail used through his feet. I was told by a French Canadian collector of these " an expert" that the very early crosses that were made, depicted the crucifixion with the feet side by side and each foot being nailed separately as shown in this Table Cross. There are some details that are different from mike's cross like the base, the tips of the cross ends and the silver halo behind the head. There is another halo on the back with a "sword through the heart" design. RER(BOB)
Looks familiar and very nice too :)
Thanks SEAN68 and mikelv85 for the comments and love and thank you aghcollect, Rick55 and fortapache for the love. RER(BOB)