Posted 10 years ago
(977 items)
I went out yesterday and hit some antique shops.
I was looking for some antique photograph inventory but didn't find any worth picking up.
I did have two surprise glass purchases.
This one was cheap, plus an additional 50 percent dealer sale! A few of the drops are rough at the edges, but it still looks great.
Sorry about the poor background-- just felt like posting these quickly.
Congrats. Great piece !!
Thanks moon-- trying to beat my record for quickest posting?
Lovely shape.
Thanks for looking and commenting ian!
Love the décor and the ribbing!
This Welz décor is not seen all that often Nice find!!
I love the colors, the form and the icicles Scott!
Thanks much rick!
Scott, didn't know you were a "glass guy".....nice to see your treasures. I admire glass, but not something I could collect, to fragile, I'd have more breakage than displayed item
Thanks kerry-- I got into glass about 20 years ago. The glass bug hit me hard. If you look at my other items-- I have a lot of it posted here!
Most glass collectors have at least one story of breakage. My worst was when my son was about 2 and pulled down a shelf with about 4 pieces on it.
So Scott, they've converted you too! Our world is endangered! LOL!!
It is a long standing affliction-- I was converted about 20 years ago!
Thanks smiata and racer!
Thanks much shawn!