Posted 10 years ago
(956 items)
OK, so I forgot my hard hat when I was removing the Cool Cheverolet sign from the Garage it was on where we bought it. Obviously I wasn't tall enough without a short ladder in the back of my Pick Up and I just needed a little help to steady myself by holding on to the power line that was close enough to grab. Us Old guys need a little help to steady us when we are on the flat ground and when we're in the sky on a ladder it really helps to have a "guy wire" close by. It's a miracle any of us survive the teen years and it doesn't seem to get any safer with age? I didn't bother to show me in the bucket of the front end loader installing the sign in its new location.
Great sign.
Thanks. After looking at my pix taking it down I am lucky to be alive to enjoy seeing it. Amazing what we are able to survive
Nice sign, but @ our age you need the " little giant ladder system" it's really a lot safer and very sturdy. It has a extension to hold onto when your near the top. Look it up , I had a friend fall off one of those wood ladders and was nearly killed.
Take care Mike. Retired.
Ha ha! Of course I have a little Giant ladder. It's is safe in the shop where it belongs so I always know where it is. Obviously it was safe in the shop when I was in N Idaho needing it and resorting to "old guy creativity" to get the job done. I now carry a small portable set of torches for emergency "finds" but no room for ladders.