Posted 10 years ago
(649 items)
Coming up with the accurate technical name for this bowl was difficult. Conventional wisdom on pieces like this one has been that the decor is Delphi - one glaring problem - the ground is not green, and Delphi as defined in "Loetz Bohemian Glass 1880-1940" (Ricke) has a green ground. This ground, however, is decidedly a rich brown color. The outer iridescence is just spectacular - deep blues and purples. The shape is very similar to PN II-1052, but the size of this one is a little smaller.
For the decor name, there are clues in the production notes for some of the paper patterns that are missing, and that's where I came up with the name. Braun (Brown) Silberiris is mentioned as a decor for production numbers (PNs) II-3/369 and II-3/420. Thanks to my friend Steve, I know that the decoration is designated DEK 455. He has a nice pair of vases in the same decor that are marked. Be sure to click on the images to full size - the details are amazing.
Beautiful piece Warren. There was an identical piece in gold for sale recently.
Really? I would love to see that one, Brian... Is there a link to it?
Truly Special !!!!
the earth and sky inside outside marvelous...
Great piece with good shape and great decor and iridescence
You're right about the detail... I love it!!