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Rattletrap's loves484 of 8741950's Buddy "L" Coca Cola delivery truck!!Merry Christmas!!!! 1960's Gulf NO-nox gas pump plate.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (230 items)

    I decided to post these pictures I took several years ago, I met this collector about 4 yrs ago, I went to see him a few more times on tues nights. Tues nights was guys night and I met some of the boys who hang out there and had some fun. the last couple years Ive worked to much and not made it back, this collector has since past away and this collection went to auction and is gone! I heard that auction prices went sky high, this collection was huge and included several old cars and trucks. It was sad to here of his passing and the auction and wont be able to drive up to what you see in these pictures anymore. Life is short so be happy my friends!

    See all
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady In Mourning Dress Potential Post Mortem Baby
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady ...
    Antique Sixth Plate 1850s to Early 1860s Fireman Ambrotype in Thermoplastic Case
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    6th Plate Rare Daguerreotype Creepy Post Mortem Expensive Old Tag Photo Vintage
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     DAGUERREOTYPE 1850-1865 family or class photo aprox.35 people Civil War in case
    DAGUERREOTYPE 1850-1865 family or ...
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady In Mourning Dress Potential Post Mortem Baby
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady ...
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    1. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 10 years ago
      Wow! I love the collection just the way you found it! I hate the idea of it going to auction & being all broken apart & sterilized in a zillion man caves! Sad sad sad!
    2. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      It looks like he lived his dream life !
    3. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 10 years ago
      If you build it ...
    4. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Man this is a nice collection:) I too recently had a collector friend pass and I had just talked with him about things that slipped through his fingers and also hunting signs with his dad and how he acquired things. I loved talking with him and his stories and advice:)
    5. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      Wow what a great place to hang out. It's really sad when a old buddy or friend passes away. My 50 year reunion is coming up and it's a bummer when you find out an old buddy won't be there. Live life and call your family and friends often.
    6. Signaholic Signaholic, 10 years ago
      Sad that he passed away. Don't let our wives see this post! They might get worried about us! Lol
    7. EJW-54 EJW-54, 10 years ago
      Yep Rattletrap, its to bad He's gone and so is his collection, I did hear that his "Speak Easy" hang out was left untouched, Ill drive down and check it out. Your right Manikin, he collected for 50 yrs! They will come eye4beauty. I hear ya Trey, this is the 2nd collector I've met that passed away. Your right Coke1234 and smile and laugh every day. Signaholic, good to hear from you, I think my wife is more worried about all my junk!LOL
      Thankyou everyone for checking this out and all the loves!
    8. EJW-54 EJW-54, 10 years ago
      Thankyou everyone for all the Loves!
    9. EJW-54 EJW-54, 9 years ago
      Thanks again everyone!
    10. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      I still luv the place!

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