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Label assistance Solved!! Häida

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Bohemian Art Glass3729 of 6681Small Welz Trophy VaseWelz Trophy Vases and Smaller Vase
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (8 items)


    Does anyone have more info regarding this label, please? Probably used in and around Häida.

    I have been told by Moser's archivist, that this was used by northern Bohemian glassworks, and the two examples I have, are both on quality cut glass items. Certainly one of the pieces dates to @1910- 1915. I have included an image of a pedestal bowl, possibly made by Öertel, but no acid stamps. Significantly no acid mark saying Czechoslovakia, which would be consistent with this piece having been produced prior to the creation of the country in 1918.

    Triangular facet-cut to the bowl
    Rectangular facet-cut to the foot.
    Flat, mirror-polished base and rim.
    Extremely heavy, 3.95kg, 22cm diameter - 19.5cm high
    The glass is 25mm / 1" thick on the foot and 10mm - 1/2" at the rim.



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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    2. verretcheque verretcheque, 10 years ago
      Thanks Sean.

      It is a monumental piece of glass, and when one considers holding a piece this size, for cutting, 9lbs or more in weight is not insignificant. Amazing, the accuracy of glass-cutters of the period. I know of a similar pedestal bowl in the collection of the glass museum at Novy Bor.

      Truly a statement item on the dining-room table, that is for certain.

    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      Your very welcome verretcheque!!! yes this is a statement!!!!
    4. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 10 years ago
      It reads Bohemian Crystal in French. Made for the French/Belgian markets?
    5. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Love i t !! Wot a whopper!! :-))
    6. verretcheque verretcheque, 8 years ago
      Ok, so I now know the label was very much Häida. You know when you start missing things?? Like email?? The bowl is about a good as one can find. The bowl is categorically identified as Josef Hoffmann, maker Johann Öertel, for the Wiener Werkstaatte and dates to 1915. Cornfirmed by MAK Vienna, and identified by Dr Rainald Frantz, to whom I offer my heartfelt thanks.

    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      Congratulations !!!!

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