Posted 10 years ago
(762 items)
On my hunt for antique jewelry special I got this special find a stick pin that is made of cast iron probably around 1813-1815.
As I described in my article about Cast iron jewelry should meet the following requirements:
Feels cold • Light in weight • Components of jewelry are not welded but sit with rings together • The stem is extremely long and brooches has c-clasps • The c-clasp and hinge are fixed by means of rings • Has sharp edges • Has no blurry edges • The surface must be fine–grained. Lacquered grey/ black and last but not least must be magnetic.
This pin is 6.5 cm long and weighs very light but 1 gram. I discovered this rare jewel at a nice Romanian seller of antiques. I am delighted this particular discovery as you will understand!
vetrai050 even before I could publish you already give me a love, thanks for your very quick reaction!
SEAN68 also such quick respons, thanks for love!
your very welcome Agram.m!!!
Hi Agram!
I think your pretty stick pin is later than 1813/1815. It has a strong Art Nouveau design, as the mistletoe brooch :
Black steel was used in Art Nouveau too :-)
aghcollect thanks again for your interest and love.
Hi kyratango thanks you again for your invaluable comment. Indeed, you would be right if these jewelry you linked above were also made of Cast Iron but they are both of silver. Cast Iron was made in the early 18th, first part of 19th and in the period of the first world war 1914 - 1918 in Germany (Gold gab ich für Eisen). This last period were often seen Cast Iron jewelry some with texts as a memento of that period. Indeed, the style of my pin reminiscent of Art Nouveau but the material is not matching nor the weight, this pin weight only one gram. Only your last link is also a stick pin from Cast Iron. I've never ever seen a stick pin of Cast Iron before.
Below is a quote from the site of the musée Le Secq des Tournelles ab out this subject:
“Les bijoux en fonte de Berlin furent à la mode en France dans les années 1840. Ils ont longtemps aussi servi de bijoux de deuil”.
Because the style is Art Nouveau it is not obvious for me that it is are also produced in this period.
critchpics thanks you for your love and interest.
kyratango and racer4four thanks for love.
Hi Agram. Lovely stick pin. Like Kyra, I think it's likely to be Art Nouveau. I've seen this type of jewellery before. Sometimes silver, sometimes black metal, sometimes with rose gold berries, sometimes a mix of all. Made in Germany.
Jewels1900 you are right too; the design is indeed likely Art Nouveau. One point: my stick is not made of black metal but has a greyish color made of cast iron and therefore very light in weight only one gram, while this pin is not so small at all 6.5 cm long . That's why I come to the conclusion of Berlin Iron.
Hi Agram. That's very interesting. I've seen those lightweight black metal nouveau pieces but never known what they were made of. I know of Berlin Iron jewellery but Iron jewellery is such a specialist field (as you would know) that I've never been sure.
I think there might be a piece in my german Jugedstil jewellery book. I'll have to dig it out and have a look.
Jewels1900 what a very interesting comment, thanks. As you can see; I can compare because I have some Berlin Iron jewelry already.
Please let me know if you found more information about this subject in your book? I appreciate very much.
Newtimes, BelleEpoque and racer4four thanks for attention and love.
Elisabethan thank you for your love and interest.