Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Trying to get information as I've looked all over & have yet to find another. The Bendix Corporation was absorbed by Honeywell in the early 1980's. The lighter was my grandfather's. He worked for the Great Northern Railroad/Burlington Northern & retired about 1972. The lighter is in pretty good shape as it has not been used in over 30 years.
Zippo lighter remind me of the old Maytag commercials.....they stay around for years and years.....I've been using/carrying for over 40 years, just can't beat the craftsmanship of these. the block print "ZIPPO" was replaced with script lettering around 1970, give or take few years, so this lighter would have been produced prior to that time frame.
Well before 1970 - the bottom stamp with the full ®Pat.Pending was produced from 1953 up until 1957 - in 1958 they changed to the script with the dot codes.
I've already found out that this lighter is from 53-54. "Pat Pend." doesn't appear on any Zippo lighters I've seen from before 1953 & the type for "ZIPPO"was changed in 1955. I'm more concerned of how many Bendix had engraved & who thy gave them to. Also, I'd like to know if any other ones are out there & what is the value of this lighter.
Sorry - this lighter could be from anytime between 1953 and 1957 as stated above. There was no date coding system instituted until 1958 (1957 for slimline models). How did you obtain the provenance "I already found out this lighter is from 53-54" ???? - Hard to confirm that with no Zippo date coding system in place at the time. And you are incorrect about the base marking also "changed in 1955" is wrong, it was used up until 1957. -- I will waste no more time arguing with you, believe what you want to, but if you want "accurate" information then purchase the Zippo Collector's Guide like I did.
My information came from the Zippo web site…. I'm sure you are more knowledgeable than they are. Good day.