Posted 10 years ago
(33 items)
This lithograph I have researched for many years and cannot find a darn this on this artist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I do know by writting at bottom it is French of course. Measures about 6 inches tall and 4.5 inches wide.
Signed color etching. French artist Lucien Veder signed his etchings “Le Garf”
Kudos're a walking, talking info machine :-)
aghcollect come here so I can give you a kiss on the cheek!! OMG that was quick. You have no idea how stressed I have been at times trying to figure it out, lol!
Thank you for the love too aghcollect, Kerry 10456 & kyratango.
MeliG, I've often wondered if aghcollect is in real life that guy from "The Chase" on television, he's always quick and spot-on with his info....Just hanging out on CW during his off time. Pleased he's found your answer so quickly and sounds you are excited to have that info passed along.
I am not famailiar with "The Chase" but will google it. I am still in shock he answered so quickly, grateful too! Yes I am very excited. Seriously have spent numerous hours and have been very frustrated because I typically find answers to things pretty quickly. This one has been since 2008. Been a while since I looked but happened to pull that out from where I have my block prints.
Lucien Veder (1902-78) learned the art of etching from his father after the First World War. He used the pseudonym and signed all of his works 'Le Garf' to distinguish himself from father Eugene Veder. He was a recognized artist and was the recipient of the bronze medal in the 1923 and the silver medal in 1925 for etchings of Paris at the Salon des Artistes Français. More of his etchings can be seen in the Louvre in Paris.
Fantastic aghcollect! I appreciate the history, love learning.