Posted 10 years ago
(948 items)
The story of our buying this great old gun from the Idaho "prepper" is long and colorful and another "first" for us sign/pump collectors. We could clearly see that we were totally out of our league and comfort zone as we entered into the lair of a totally different kind of collector than we have previously met. It was another good story for the books and bedtime tales for the grandkids.
Thx lord the love ft.apache
say hello to my little friend
Had one in the 60's in the orig. wooden box & fully operational. Sold it without ever firing it. Didn't have the mount & didn't feel like John Wayne at 17 or 18.
I luv your comments!
CW informed me that this famous WWII machine gun doesn't fit under Military as it fits in " General" category better? Really? They wouldn't say that if they were in the war and operated one of these bad guys! Or faced one from the other side!
That will rattle tat tat the teeth lose, How can this not be Military the "General" population sure didn't have one.
U are absolutely right except that I am just a "general" population guy that bought this from a weird, but General population guy who was dying from Diabetes organ failure. I've never fired it and likely never will. I have it because it is cool and was available.
One category it fits in is illegal, unless you have it registered with the feds. There's a $200 transfer fee. (If the guy had it registered). Max penalty is $10,000 fine & 10 yrs. vacation.
U are absolutely right except that I am just a "general" population guy that bought this from a weird, but General population guy who was dying from Diabetes organ failure. I've never fired it and likely never will. I have it because it is cool and was available.
Of course mine is totally legal and everything done correctly! Lol
They would probably put you in general population, but at the same time, the U.S. gov't. is broke & would steal everything you have. Then there are the legal fees. Now, a dewat (made so it can't be fired) is only something like $5, but even there, I don't know if you can get that class of registration for dewats after the 1968 amnesty,when these could be registered .Better safe than sorry, so do your search of the laws DON'T contact any branch of the gov't. until you know where you stand. Actually, all of us who clicked on your post, are guilty of a felony called misprison , which can draw 2 yrs.. If it were me, I would have a trusty welder deactivate it in such a way that the bolt etc. work, but it can't be made to fire.
While this looks like the real deal, it is actually a semi automatic and completely legal I was told at the time of purchase. No fouls on this one. Who could afford to fire the full autos anyway? I'm a full law abiding citizen. OK! I was reminded of an arrest I had in Hawaii many years ago for non payment of an expired safety Insp on a car I didn't own, but was responsible for, that my daughter got while I was off island 3000 mi away and didn't know about! I'm not perfect but also not a bad guy!
That's a relief to me. Hey, I like you & don't want your contributions to CW to stop for 10 yrs.. LOL !
Thx the feeling is mutual. 10 yrs is bento for my expected life span but I'll do my best. I'm 77 this yr and like to display what we do at our little Free Museum. I am amazed at how few likes/loves we get on some of the coolest stuff we add to the collection when I mostly see a bunch of stuff posted that looks like what I see in yard sales in Kapaa! ???? Oops! That wasn't politically correct!