Posted 10 years ago
(2304 items)
- "Passive Defense" - U.S.A.F. Tactical Air Command Training Manual
- Published by the Tactical Air Command Defense School - U.S. Air Force
- Air Force 2220th Field Printing Plant, Lackland Air Force Base
- Printed in July, 1954 - (1500 copies printed) - Official USAF TAC Manual
- paperback / 274 pages / illustrations and diagrams / EDUCATION
** Covers basic and nuclear physics, atomic explosion phenomena and medical effects, radiation instruments and monitoring techniques, chemical warfare and biological warfare, gases, smokes, and other incendiaries, protective measures, camouflage, and decontamination methods.
Miss you, hope you are well.
I miss you a lot.
Wish you and your 2017 is fill with, Peace, Love, Prosperity and love.
All the best.
we miss you