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Original Or A Reprint?

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    I'm not sure if this issue is an original first press from the 60's or a reprint from the 70's. I would appreciate your help. What do you think? Thanks.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. aghcollect aghcollect, 10 years ago
      If it is not noted as a "reprint" then it is an original print issue
    2. rocker-fella, 10 years ago
      Hi Daniel. Actually aghcollect is mistaken. The reprints were intended to be identical and so make no reference to the reprint date (1970s or later). There are differences (some very obvious, some not), depending on the particular issue. This one appears from the pics to be identical to originals that I own. I have many years' experience collecting these & would say it's an original, although to be certain I would have to compare it to a known later print, which I don't have!
    3. beeb, 9 years ago
      In comparison to my original copy this one appears to be an original.

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