Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Was out metal detecting when i came across a bunch of these scattered around. This was the only one that wasn't smashed (going to look for more tomorrow). I wasn't sure what it was until i got looking on the web. From what i've found out, its an insulator. To my suprise, these can actually sell for quite a bit. The only problem is that I don' know anything about this particular one. The only writing on it say " Dominion - 42 ". Some of the other smashed up ones said " PYREX ". If any one knows this exact model or how much these go for or, for that matter, any more information on this at all, that'd be much appreciated. Oh yeah, in case this helps at all, I found it in Ottawa, Canada. Thanks.
It was also found near some wierd 3 foot, circular foundations along with some cooper wire twisted to form a loop and some long steel (or some other heavy metal) rod that screws into something
Dominion is probably "Dominion Glass" - Made in Canada
No. 42 was first produced on February 6, 1927, and was still being produced in August 1959. Earlier No. 42 insulators were of CD 154 design, and then at an unrecorded date changed to the CD 155 design. The only difference between the two is an added glass reinforcement to the wire groove.
This is the most beautiful of the Dominion glass insulators. The colours include: clear, light green, light straw, light sage green, dark straw, pink, honey amber, dark red amber, yellow amber, light yellow amber, light yellow, light cornflower blue, cornflower blue and dark cornflower blue. The value of these pieces range from $1 for a clear one to $400 for a dark cornflower blue piece.
Wow, thank you Walksoftly. I actually skimmed through that exact website but missed it. Im guessing this is a light cornflower. Thanks!!!
You're welcome.