Posted 10 years ago
(30 items)
I obtained these two asian prints some time ago. They appear to be on some sort of cloth with a wooden matte. Framed each is 19" X 27." I think they are Japanese but I could be wrong. I also think they may be woodblock prints but I could be wrong. I've been searching for the age, artist, type of medium, and any kind of history on these two lovely pieces with not much luck.
Are you sure these are prints? I don't think that they are but i could be wrong
No I'm not sure. I really have no clue what they are.
Think rather Chinese painting on silk!
And seem to have some age, not modern...
They deserve to be showed to a specialist in my opinion :-)
I'm with KYRATANGO .... Chinese for sure.
I'm with kyratango too. I have seen similar paintings online. I do not think this is a print. The details are just to wonderful to be a print. Silk backing .
Thanks for the info kyra, vetra, and robin. That's a lot more info than I had before I posted this item.
kyratango, that lady holding the lantern, do you know what it signifies? I have a doll holding a lantern with that same hairdo. I thought it was Japanese, but maybe Chinese.
I had also wondered what kind of story is being told in both of the paintings. There has to be some sort of story being told.
I posted a thread showing my doll if anyone cares to take a look.
Goodoody, you're very welcome, thanks for the thanks
The story may be only a court scene or a poem, I don't know.
Katherine I go to your post!
robin posted in my doll thread that a lady carries a lantern to lead the dead, looking at your paintings now, that may be the significance as if you look closely at the first picture, it appears to be a woman in dark robes sitting while all around her people are tending to her except one lady leaning against a tree watching on, they all seem to be sad, then in the second painting, two women appear to be carrying the lady, she is wearing white, possibly dying, and the lady with the lantern is in the picture.
Very interesting Katherine. It makes sense. I checked out robin doll and it is very similar to the lady in my picture. What you are saying could very well be the case. Thanks for your insightful input it is very helpful.