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Civil War Re-Union Ribbons

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (17 items)

    Not sure if I posted these before, if I did please forgive the redundancy. This is my collection of Civil War Re-Union Ribbons for the 137th New York State Infantry Regiment & a Lincoln Memorial Souvenir Badge. The Regiment was organized at Binghampton, N.Y. in September 1862 and was mustered out in June 1865. It was involved in a number of major battles including Chancellorsville & Gettysburg. There is a monument to the Regiment at Gettysburg. The badges represent the 1896, 1909 & 1911 re-unions. The Lincoln badge is dated 1914. Note the missing arm & leg of the veterans in the first badge.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      Nice GAR ribbons.

      The Lincoln depiction looks especially nice and desirable.

      Do you know the name of the veteran that these came from?

    2. Harborguy Harborguy, 10 years ago
      Since I have a presentation sword that belonged to Capt. Henry Davis of the 137th, who died on 5/23/1865 from wounds rec'd at Chancellorsville, I am on lookout for items related to his Regiment. This collection was assembled over time & not from a particular veteran. Thanks for looking & the interest.
    3. Harborguy Harborguy, 10 years ago
      scott, your observation is right on! The Lincoln badge is in excellent condition. I purchased it from an individual who had it in his possession for many years. Since it is rare, he was rather reluctant to sell, but felt it was time to let another collector enjoy it.
    4. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      When you have the opportunity, I (and others here) would enjoy seeing the presentation sword!


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