Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Barrel to sight is 1" long. Barrel inner-diameter is 3/8". From top of receiver to bottom of pistol grip is 1 7/8". Pistol grip thickness is 5/8". It is heavy and likely made of pot metal. No markings. Origin?
Mainly need some help figuring out who made it, when, and where. Looks very much like one I had when a kid, but I'll be darn if I can remember much about it.
Looks like a Yancy Derringer cap gun from the TV show years ago.
Not sure of the manufacture, but if you click on this link and then click on Your Collections, there will be a lot of pages of cap guns from various collectors, and you might be able to find a match.
Dave're right. I did a search on it and found it was made by Mattel for the that show, circa 1959. I have only the pistol. After looking at the "whole shebang" on the website....belt buckle w/pistol and bullet...I can see on the pistol I have there is a rectangular shaped area on the back of the grip that would fit onto the lever in the bet buckle. I do recall you could push on something and the pistol would flip out and fire the cap. Thanx got it right!
pw-collector....thanx for the site id for further, my I never would have thought I could have gotten help so quickly! Thanx guys & Collector's weekly !!!!
Mattel Agent Zero Potshot
I had one. It would hook on a belt buckle and shot a little grey plastic bullet. You could put a greenie stickum cap on the back of the spring loaded cartridge.When you pushed your stomach out it would swing out and fire. I had one in 1960. I must be old.
Ain't we all! Thanx guys!