Posted 10 years ago
(708 items)
"The Lamplighter"
Foot and a half tall
Brass, metal and wood base
This was a surprise from husband. It was found in a construction yard.
It's signed and dated looks like SSO with a date that I can't make out.
I wiped it down with a dry cloth he is still very dirty but I'm afraid to clean him further without knowing how to without damaging him.
This is a site I was reading yesterday about the Victorian Lamplighter.
I love it!!
Virginia thank ;)
I love it also .
My husband knows me well.
After downloading and zooming in on kinda looks like SSA in cursive
Must be very rare.
Must be very rare. Did it strike a flame and light a cigar? Sometimes novel items like this were set up in a bar..It looks like a smoker could have sat on a stool and got a light from it comfortably--- but I have no idea if THIS was what this could be. Just thinking WAY out of the box. Whatever it is--it is really FUN!!
i love it too! my last name - Veilleux - is a midieval french word that means lamplighter.
That is soooo cool!
Postcardcollector thank you very much for your love and comments.
He is an awesome piece. I had the thought of electrifying this because it's so tall it would make an awesome lamp....but
Just a thought for now.
I love him Melanie! I may sound crazy, but I find the "dirt" gives it a sense of age and definitely adds character!
Rick I'm sure he's old...but I not to keen on the extra dirt.....
Lol... What I like about it is that "just dug out of the ground" look. Not for everybody, but I like it!
That is a awesome piece of art
A piece that someone spent a lot of time making for sure. I would agree that it's signed SSA, in cursive. The date looks like 68.
I did notice a clutch head screw in it just below the second S.
I don't think you could hurt it as long as you used a mild cleaner that won't take the paint off.
Lovely piece .I have a ceramic lamp lighter on my page that was left to my mum