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The Lamplighter

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Peterdrury's loves110 of 292Die Cast 1970 Orange Mustang Mach 1 428 Twister SpecialVacation find #3-My favorite piece found in Vermont :)~~~ Part 1 of 2
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (708 items)

    "The Lamplighter"
    Foot and a half tall
    Brass, metal and wood base
    This was a surprise from husband. It was found in a construction yard.
    It's signed and dated looks like SSO with a date that I can't make out.
    I wiped it down with a dry cloth he is still very dirty but I'm afraid to clean him further without knowing how to without damaging him.
    This is a site I was reading yesterday about the Victorian Lamplighter.

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    1. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      I love it!!
    2. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      Virginia thank ;)
      I love it also .
      My husband knows me well.
    3. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      After downloading and zooming in on kinda looks like SSA in cursive
    4. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      Must be very rare.
    5. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      Must be very rare. Did it strike a flame and light a cigar? Sometimes novel items like this were set up in a bar..It looks like a smoker could have sat on a stool and got a light from it comfortably--- but I have no idea if THIS was what this could be. Just thinking WAY out of the box. Whatever it is--it is really FUN!!
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 10 years ago
      i love it too! my last name - Veilleux - is a midieval french word that means lamplighter.
    7. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      That is soooo cool!
    8. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      Postcardcollector thank you very much for your love and comments.
      He is an awesome piece. I had the thought of electrifying this because it's so tall it would make an awesome lamp....but
      Just a thought for now.

    9. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      I love him Melanie! I may sound crazy, but I find the "dirt" gives it a sense of age and definitely adds character!
    10. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      Rick I'm sure he's old...but I not to keen on the extra dirt.....
    11. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Lol... What I like about it is that "just dug out of the ground" look. Not for everybody, but I like it!
    12. Jtw1313, 9 years ago
      That is a awesome piece of art
    13. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      A piece that someone spent a lot of time making for sure. I would agree that it's signed SSA, in cursive. The date looks like 68.
      I did notice a clutch head screw in it just below the second S.

      I don't think you could hurt it as long as you used a mild cleaner that won't take the paint off.
    14. Master Master, 8 years ago
      Lovely piece .I have a ceramic lamp lighter on my page that was left to my mum

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