Posted 10 years ago
(413 items)
This is the last of a trio of Bernard Instones work.
This I also believe to be one of his earlier pieces, it could be the 1920s-30s. The stones on both earrings and necklace are Turquiose set in a prong setting, they vary in size. The earrings are clips at the back they have four Turquiose surrounded by Marcasite. The necklace as a large middle panel and two smaller panels at each side, there are 15 Turquiose in all. The necklace is marked silver and B.I the earrings aren't marked for either silver or makers mark. To me they are a set, he probably didn't think he needed to mark the earrings.
With Bernard Instones work, I marvel how neat the backs are to his pieces.
Many thanks for looking
Wow, Jean! your pics are professionals!
They are an obvious beautiful parure :-)
No Kyra, it's my iPad , lol.
Now these are classics what beautiful pieces
Many thanks for your lovely comments and love nutsabotas and Zowie
Many thanks racer for your lovely comment. Looking at the first photo with the necklace and earrings on my hand, I didn't realise how much the colour of the Turquoise and twinkle of the Marcasite stand out.
Another beautiful set Jean... Love 'em!
Thank you Rick, for your lovely comment.
Many thanks
Thanks Zowie
Many thanks
Many thanks
I don't know what it is today everything I have loved looks better second & third time I look at the items
Well thank you for looking my things and thinking they look good, I'm most grateful. :-))))))
This is a beautiful set! Weren't clip earrings initially used in the 1930's? From what I have seen this clip back design looks 1940-1950 at the earliest. I do not mean to bring you into question just trying to make sure my understanding is correct.
Good Question,pastaccoutremon, if you look at most of Bernard Instones, work his clips on Earrings tend to be 1920-30s. I can only say in my opinion this is his earlier work. I would be really interested if you think different.
First of all Peasejean55, thank you for your reply. I will be frank but up front to say that my first impression is that this is c. 1950 by design and execution. However, there is no doubt that Arts & Crafts artists were before their time in many ways and I am a learner not an expert. The chain says c. 1920 to me personally but nothing else does. Earlier clips (c. 1930's) were small and differently shaped then later clips and tended to be on a hinge without the flange. The design also seems post 1940's and more in line with '50's design and the settings appear to be thicker. I would be interested in your response to my observations.
These are my Dorrie Nosstier earrings, they are a very similar to the design as Bernard Instone 1930s. I would most interested in your opinion.
How beautiful! Again I would say respectfully, as you have much more of these venerable designers jewelry then I, c. 1940-1950. This one looks earlier to me. There is much beautiful costume jewelry from the late 40's-50's very similar in style to your gorgeous and valuable set. The clasp on the bracelet can date earlier but, as you know, fittings were in use well past the time period they were created in. Thank you for being interested in my opinion!
I'm most interested in your opinion, you could be right, but if I recall most of his later jewellery is completely different. I will defer, and would like to see what other people think, especially Jewels1900. Yet again, thank you for showing a interest.
Many thanks
Hi pastaccoutremon, the website above has a very similar necklace and earring to these, when you go into the site, type in Bernard Instone.
Yes, indeed! I still have to say that as far as I know clip earrings were not in use before c. 1930 so it is a mystery to me. Look at these similar earrings:
I am not sure if this will come up live so you may have to cut and paste...
Or these by Bernard Instone which have screw backs. This was the fitting of choice for earrings at that time:
I don't believe the Nositer earrings have clips, although it does not say. Your clips can be seen from the front.
Is it possible the clips were added later?
I spent ages trying to get this on CW
Many thanks