Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Both pieces were found in the yard of a 1900 year old home, but in different areas. Both pieces say Madge Evans Hats for Little Ladies, but reversed like a stamp or something. I've looked and can't find anything besides who she was and how her name got used. Any idea on what these were from or value? All help appreciated.
**Someone just suggested newspaper ad printing plate from 1900-1920?**
The bottom sectIon was my first real metal detecting find so I think it's pretty awesome regardless. ?
Sorry I cannot help but it's great finding old things in the yard we found a turtle & I couldn't believe it our yard was the original old dump for the town we lived in & it came out as new if I didn't see my partner dig it up I would never of believed it as it was in fantastic condition with no chips stains or anything else it may be on my site it's a small blue one if you decide to look,42321&hl=en
I would agree about the print plate from the 1920s. I googled several newspaper and magazine ads from 1920, 1921, 1922 and saw the exact same print style with those words. The photos of the hats were different each time. You have a rare find! The ads sell for a lot, I'm sure the print plate is a real treasure for collectors.