Posted 10 years ago
(945 items)
I was visiting a friend of mine that sold me a cool Dayton gas pump he had hidden away for years and couldn't help but notice this very fast TBird he had under a tarp. Obviously I convinced him to uncover it and crank it up so I could hear all 1100 horses sing the same tune! Wow! Fast car on a small Island.
When these ear drum busting cars, bikes & amp systems pass by on our island, my response is, "That's why they don't want us to have guns!"
Ha Ha!,
U never fail to humor me. This particular car has got a power plant that is deafening and shakes the building when it's fired up. It's obviously strictly a drag car and would never get on a city street. One fast vehicle, but it is loud even when you put your hands on your ears.
Don't get me wrong Rattle, I've been involved intensively with the SCCA & much racing. But not on the streets in populated areas & our governments (French & Dutch) keep creating a problem. I've advocated a race track, or making provisions for racing for yrs.. Years ago, there was a long straight-away on the French side that was used by these enthusiast for yrs. every Sunday morning @ 6:AM & no houses around. Worked great! The French, in their infinite wisdom, put those ripple style "sleeping policemen" along the stretch thinking that would stop them. My question was, WHY? Idiot politicians who drive around in their BMW's & Mercedes' just have no clue about what problem they have created. THEY are going to race!! The "law" eliminates the organized factour & dumps it onto public streets where it is dangerous. I have a friend who has at least 75-100 acres of flat land that he just raises a few cattle on & been trying to get him interested in building a banked oval with a combined drag strip. He would make a lot more $'s than a few cows & make our streets safer. Still working on him. Enough babble from me!
Nothing quite like sitting on top of several hundred hungry horses jumping off the starting line! I love it!
Thx for the Love it
Fort Apache,
Thx for the Love it
This guy also has some other very cool cars incl a 55 restored Chev & a 57.
Thx for the Love it
Ps collector,
Thx for the Love it
Caper kid,
Thx for the Love it
Thx for all the Love it's
Thx for the love it
Sorry but no 55-57 Chevs