Posted 10 years ago
(2 items)
I am looking for someone to tell me who made this lamp. It is my Mothers and I have no other info except that it is very old. The center brace has been replaced & the wiring was just replaced but need to know if it is worth anything for her estate.
we dont do valuations on here, we are a collecting site, we help those who like to keep and not estate seekers...try a valuation site...
It does not appear to be a antique lamp to me from photo's since these types are still being produced . At any rate the broken glass is a problem near impossible to repair . It usually happens when to high wattage bulb is used and glass gets to hot. Very pretty at any rate
I know it's been around my step fathers house since 1950's. I wasn't sure if it was recognized by anybody as a particular manufacturer. I wish it was stamped or had any info for me to go on. Anything for me to go on would help. THX
Many are not marked but did you look on inside for a signature ? They have been made since about 1910's till today must are found dated in the 20's that were made by high profile names . But I would be more concerned about crack on large curved piece , May never know maker but it is not Tiffany . It is stunning
It is a lovely lampshade. You might try asking within your local artisan community, find an expert stained glass artist, they may be better able to help, google vintage stained glass restoration, perhaps, and see what comes up. Good luck! :)
Looks like average quality example from the mid to late 20th century.
What little decorator value it had is erased by the damage.
Several companies made hanging shade like yours. It does look to have some age to it and the glass can be replaced. It would cost you about what the lamp is worth, but I have repaired several myself and I continue to enjoy them. Take a look at my cattail and lily hanging shade, you'll see some similarities.