Posted 10 years ago
(1224 items)
I found this ring a while ago in a consignment store for next to nothing. It is very similar to one I posted a few months ago. The ring is unmarked but it looks to me as if it could be Native American. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for looking:)
Thanks a lot, mikelv85:)
Many thanks, vetraio50, sklo42, SEAN68, and kyratango:)
Thanks for your comment, valentino97:) I think so too, but I don't really know for sure.
Great ring! Certainly looks Navajo to me.
Thanks a lot, Efesgirl:)
CW's got the hiccups, lol. Lovely ring! :)
It's Native American. Good eye
Thanks a lot, katherinescollections and Moonstonelover21:)
I think it's my computer that has the hiccups - not CW, katherinescollections:)
I don't believe hallmarks on Native American Jewelry really got popular until the 1950's (ish) It definitely looks Navajo to me also. Love it!
JoyB, I have read as well that Native American jewelry wasn't always signed. I am just very careful making a statment about anything because I am not an expert and there are too many fakes out there.
Thanks a lot for your comment:)