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Complete wood post 102" with 6 glass insulators

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Insulators232 of 371Plain aqua glass insulator only embossed with "CABLE" Hemingray?Unknown Insulatord
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (5 items)

    I dug this out of a creek bed in Northern Kentucky. Only one of the insulators were sticking out of the water. It took about an hour but I dug the entire post out of the mud and clay and got it up the bank with some help. It is 102" long x 4" x 5". It has posts for the insulators but a couple are missing. It has its metal legs and they work awesome. I can't believe it. I took one of the insulators off and cleaned it up when I got it home. It says Heminway -17. The other side says MADE IN THE USA 45-42. What are the little bumps behind the 45-42? Can anyone tell me what the numbers mean? It was very heavy so I assume it was waterlogged and will lighten up as it dries out. Thanks, Jill

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      What you have is a cross arm, the "legs" as you call them are braces that came together in a V shape & a bolt was placed through them & the pole to brace the cross arm.
      The name is Hemingray not Heminway.
      Are you sure on the number 17?
      The 45 would be a mold number & the 42 is the year of first production for that mold & the additional bumps are one for each year there after.
    2. jill2001441, 10 years ago
      Thank you for the information. I double checked. It is a 17.
    3. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      Some more info for you
      CD 122
    4. jill2001441, 10 years ago
      Can you tell me what the difference is between the style and mold?
    5. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      The style is the shape/design, the mold is the device that it was formed in.

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