Posted 10 years ago
(206 items)
Hello Fellow Collectors and Visitors. I said earlier I would post those watches you might not see everywhere, but this watch itself is not extremely rare, but the watch with box is cool, IMO.
This watch is produced by E. Ingraham in 1949. They came in two styles this larger Tonneau and a smaller round variant. Both depicted the same graphics. Someone has replaced this one with a newer strap sometime along the way. But I've left the last 2 photo spots open , when I replace with correct strap, I will reshoot and add photo. I also plan on adding the smaller variant in slot #4 when completed for the full comparison effect.... So stay tuned, film at 11 lol....That's All Folks
Thanks for looking
Th th th that's not all folks!
I've never seen a Porky Pig watch... love it!!
Yes, the box is cool too!
Love the watch and box ! cool post Kerry
Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments, complements and the support, always very appreciated!!
Evening Mani, xoxo, Thanks :-)
Thanks Trey :-)
Thanks Dave, :-)
guess better back up and say Thanks:
& David
from earlier, wasn't feeling up to par and took a short cut
Thanks again all, very appreciated!!
Video for porky pig? 0:09
Jan 25, 2009
LOL, thanks Trey, got a good chuckle :-)
American Made ...
Yes Sir Eye4, there's and Canadian Ingraham also, the different boxes would be used in which ever country to be marketed in.... Always looking for a good sales
Thanks pw-collector & officialfuel for showing the support
Ok, so they made them in both Canada and USA ?
Yes, but different packaging and small difference in dial, These are like the Rexall Bugs Bunny watches in a way....Both were produced by same company but packaging was change for which market they were distributed in.
Eye4, I have 2 different Woody Woodpecker clocks from 1959, both appear the same, but one is Canadian the other USA, with out close inspection of dial, you wouldn't know the difference. I suppose this was done for Import/export duty taxes.
Why does Porky have fingers but not toes ?????
lol, now you're asking a question that only the original animators can answer... :-)
Thank you WARWAGON64, I've got the right red strap attached already, need to update photos, but old and slow, lol
Great that you have the box. It has great artwork.
good Day everyone, @ fortapache, yes collectors we know that the packaging is almost, if not more important than a piece itself :-)
Thank You:
for all the support, very appreciated!!
Morning ...
Good Morning Eye4, grab you a cup and have a seat
OMGosh ... i have been sitting here for hours and forgot to get a pot going ....
No good..... I sit around for at least 40-45 minutes before starting mine, takes about that long before Meds kick in and movement required to do the coffee making....I need to make night before, so can just switch on, but oldtimers has set in, and forget
Last week I filled and forgot to put empty pot under drip ... Ooops ...
oops, that dreaded syndrome of "Oldtimers" has set in over your way also I see.... :-)
Thank you very much Mickey, Sean & Alan2310 for stopping by and showing all the support, deeply appreciated!!
Thank you Digitali5 and bladerunner22, always appreciate all the support