Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
I picked this 9" pot with lid up in a yard sale. It has pink roses or Chrysanthemums on a green base pot. It also has a depiction of Asian Scholar or children writing. The lid has a gold dog or lion on it and handles are gold on each side of the pot. It also says Macau. Just looking for info. Covered EBay and Etsy but haven't found anything. Thank you for any help you may have to offer in identifying it. It just spoke to me.
The kanji on the base in red needs to be rotated 90deg clockwise, and then check it on this page here:
I think it may Tongzhi.
Very nice piece, i love it.
@Karen, what an interested link this is, thanks for sharing this...... ;-)
Thank you racer4four. I think you are spot on with this one. I had looked at that page several times, but just haven't been able to find anything with the lid with the gold dog on it or the gold handles.
It certainly is a different and beautiful piece. Well bought!
Thank you racer4four. Not bad for a yard sale item. Just wish I knew more about its value and whether or not to insure it. Thank you for your help.
I would just enjoy it. I would not worry about insuring it do to the fact its not very old and value is not high enough to spend extra on insurance.
Thank you Grendel67. Will just tack it to the ceiling so the Grandbaby can't get to it! Lol
I have the same one with the gold dog as the lid handle, and gold handles on the side... mine has ornate Japanese characters. I know my mother-in-law had it for years. No idea it's value....
Cant give info except that the dog may be the Foo Dog which resembles the Lion usually.
Here is the one I have
And the konji:
Looks like it is made in the 1960s-1970s...