Posted 10 years ago
(18 items)
For some reason, it seems I've taken a liking to pictures and paintings of old homes, and now realize I have more than enough to be considered a collection. This framed picture was recently found, where else, at an estate sale. Size is about 8x12 inches. No ID on back side, and haven't opened the backing to see if anything written on the picture, but I'm almost positive it's "way down south in Dixie," more than likely Georgia or Alabama, and I just love it. Would love to sit in a swing on this porch after supper most any evening. I believe this old house would date the picture to the 30's or 40's, maybe even earlier. Did you note the two young people sitting in the front yard?
Awesome photo.
very nice! the home is a Georgian-style, double-interior-chimney colonial. It is probably a Georgian Revival home built in either the 1890s or 1920s [popular at those times]. If it is a real period Georgian [could be], it would date sometime around 1750-70, and built where there was a lot of English influence, and had lots of later additions/revisions - like that beautiful front porch.
Thanks, ho2cultcha, for the nice bit of architectural information. I still have no intent to reframe, but might open it up to see if any info written on the back and put back in same frame. It seems there are still quite a few people in my neck of the woods who came from old families who lived out in the country, but their descendants eventually moved to what has become a very large metropolis. Now, to find a place to hang my "house pictures" together!
Would be nice to know whether or not this old home is still standing today. Unfortunately, the people who conduct estate sales are somewhat closed-mouthed about the reason for the sale and individuals involved, as well they should be, but it makes it difficult to come up with information that might allow locating a family member who could satisfy one's curiosity about the house's location.