Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
I believe this toy to be from the 1930s because of the pie eyes on Mickey's face. The 2 support arms are wood 8¼" long. Mickey is also wood covered with lithographed paper; he is 5½” tall. Mickey hangs on a string that is twisted so that when the 2 long pieces are squeezed together at the bottom Mickey will spin to the upright position or any where in between. With repeated squeezes he will do somersaults back and forth. My one question to all is; who made this piece? It is marked "©Walt Disney, Mc D. by M.B. Co. U.S.A." Can anyone ID this company for me and give me more information about it. Thanks!
It is a 1930's toy called either
A trapeze" or "acrobat" toy - was made by M.B. for Marks Brothers, Boston
aghcollect has hit the nail on the head... "Trapeze" is advertisements I've seen in the past
I used to love these!! Every time my mom took me to the Circus in Chicago ( early 1940's) she would buy me a few. I was masmerized by the things they would do. Sometimes they would get their legs stuck going over but easy to fix with just a tap. They would fascinate kids today---but this generation is missing a great , simple--toy. You can't build on PERFECT!!