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Asian Wood sculptures

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Asian Statues550 of 986Asian wood figures - Sudhana/Shancai TongziChinese Court Lady Figurine Pottery
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    I just purchased these 2 wood sculptures. I know nothing about them and would love some information. They are solid wood but VERY lightweight. They are about 30" tall and the wood has significant grain to it. There is no marks other than a sticker on the bottom of each that says Lyndel Originals 9301 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA. I just love them and would love to know more about them. Thank you in advance

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    1. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      I will most probably be way off the mark but looking at the faces they remind me of face that you see tattooed from New Zealand try that way & see what you find. As I said I could be way off. Having seen some New Zealand tribal tattoos on faces is what they remind me of. Good luck & have a good day or night
    2. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Could also be just the wood making them look that way also
    3. Looseeluv, 10 years ago
      Zowie, thanks for your response. The wood has a very heavy grain to it throughout the carving...I wonder if that is what you are seeing. I wish I could even figure out what type of wood they are. I will certainly look at the New Zealand tribal tattoos. Thank you again for responding.....any further thoughts are appreciated!
    4. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Sorry I cannot be more help
    5. asif, 9 years ago
      Hi Looseeluv, although I am not a subject matter expert but I can tell you about sculpture on the left. Its a Chinese sage probably Confucius or la tu zu. I have the same one but made of jade. The apple / world / ball in his right hand shows the wisdom. One thing for sure that its not New Zealand tribal tattoos.
    6. Looseeluv, 9 years ago
      Thank you asif. I agree and with further research have thought that the female sculpture might be Quan Yin. It is hard to see in the photographs but it looks like she is holding a lotus flower and has a head dress that looks similar. I agree what may look like tribal tattoos is the wood grain and is throughout the sculpture. Again...thanks for your input.

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