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Candlestick Debate: Roseville or Brush McCoy CLEO

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Art Nouveau Pottery120 of 387Art Nouveau, Sterling Overlay Creamer Pottery,late 19, early 20 centurywho made this beautiful Art Nouveau jardiniere?
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (120 items)

    No known documentation to identify this candlestick (actually a pair). Your opinion? There are other examples of this/these candlestick(s) online in other color schemes; JustArtPottery currently has a colorful pair listed. Mine were purchased in Zanesville Ohio. Interesting reddish brown color scheme. Bottom is glazed over; unmarked. THANKS.

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    1. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 9 years ago
      I love it!
    2. greely1 greely1, 8 years ago
      Do you still have these??
    3. JoeyC, 8 years ago
      Hi ... yes I do still have these. Some people believe that these are Brush McCoy but for me personally, the verdict is still out until I see them pictured in an original catalog or some other documentation. In any case, they are stunning. Did you want me to check a detail for you or something?
    4. greely1 greely1, 8 years ago
      Hi just really like the art nouveau look and am interested in them.
    5. JCE, 3 years ago
      There is a pair of these in green in an upcoming DuMouchelles auction in Detroit (Oct 2021) identified as unmarked Roseville creamware. I compared theirs to an eBay photo of Brush Cleo tulip-shaped candlesticks and they are very similar. But the Brush Cleo seems slightly thicker with straight sides. The candlestick photoed above seems more tapered. If the eBay ID is correct, I’d guess the one above to be Roseville.
    6. JoeyC, 3 years ago
      Thank you SOOOO much!!! My most recent conclusion was Royal Dux with no undeniable proof. Thanks again!!!
    7. JoeyC, 3 years ago sold one, pic online, $195. Description cites Gold-traced Persian Creamware by Roseville or Brush Cleo Creamware. No further proofs given though.
    8. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 3 years ago
      Stuff like this makes my thrift store urges go berserk hahaha. Nice find.
    9. JoeyC, 3 years ago
      Thanks for your comment. Your thrift store comment triggered a memory ... & I even wrote it in my description above: WHERE I bought this pair! At an antique store in ZANESVILLE OHIO. So that certainly pointsxto a local pottery such as Roseville or Brush. Someday a catalog page or bill of sale will turn up to firmly attribute this mold to one or the other.

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