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Early Loetz Production

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Loetz Art Glass1205 of 2369Tall Loetz Crete Cisele Vase.Loetz "Max Emanuel" Arcadia JIP Vase, Series II, PN #244-A, Ca 1899
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (87 items)

    The four vases shown above have one aspect in common, they are 'early Loetz' productions. I do not give any details here, as they are presented in context with about 170 other eraly Loetz examples, and more informations on many other early Loetz vases may be obtained on reading my article to be found in => Identifying Loetz Glass => Early Loetz Production 1880-1897. As such a review could not be based solely on vases I own myself, some examples were taken from your contributions at CW and I would like to thank here everybody explicitly for her/his kind contribution(s).

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      Gorgeous, I am a big fan of early Loetz pieces :)
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Thanks KAIROMALTE .... I just went and had a quick look at your article. My sea-she'll vase is your "1.06 PN=I/7008 1897".

      Thanks so much .... I never knew exactly it's PN - Pattern Number.
      I am stoked !!!!!
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Fantastic - thank you! And I have to say, that rainbow glass vase in image 4 is stunning.
    4. inky inky, 9 years ago
      Your article on is a fantastic read and a great learning tool, thank you!... Penny.
    5. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      Kai, I have to say your article is amazing and fully of great information. As an Early Loetz devote....thank you
    6. kairomalte, 9 years ago
      Hi, Moonstonelover21, vetraio50, inky, Michelleb007 and all others for your kind comments, contributions and loves
    7. kairomalte, 9 years ago
      It is now more then one month, that I posted these vases on CW, in the meantime there were many "loves and likes" and I would like to thank you all, and for your kind comments, too. For those of you interested in 'early Loetz' production, I would like to inform, that I did update my article and added some more décors recently.

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