Posted 10 years ago
(130 items)
Although no longer in my collection, I figured I'd still share this with you. It's a 7" Charles Lotton Lava Cypriot vase with a blue iridescent lava-flow design over a mottled orange/red background. Thanks for looking.
That is a colorful beauty. Do you miss it?
Thanks Deano. I guess, but I needed to make room for new additions.
Lovely, lovely vase, Rick. Making space is always difficult......
Beautiful colors:)
Thanks for the kind comment and love Peggy and Trey, and thanks for the love Gary, Ivonne, Ho2, Mike, and Silvia.
@ Peggy... All of my curios are full, and I don't want to overcrowd, so in order to get a new piece, something has to go. My recent additions made it necessary, and of course getting something new makes it easier..
You are so right about overcrowding.....nothing is seen at its best!
Thanks for the love Agh, it's appreciated.
Space always an issues for collectors, I start to realize now.
did you get this from Cowans Auctions?
its a real beauty!!!! and too bad you don't have this anymore .
Thanks for the nice comments and love Alan and Sean, and thanks for the love Radegunder.
@Sean... Yes Sean, this is it, but I bought it from the auction winner I assume. It's funny, the person who now owns it is selling it again, so it definitely gets around lol.
@Alan... Yeah, it took me a while to get out of my rat packing. I had collectibles all over the place, in closets, boxes, and very overcrowded shelves. Gloria was finally able to help me realize (very reluctantly) that I wasn't able to see them or really enjoy them, so whats the use. So now I basically do a one for one. One in and one out lol.
LOL !!! Round Robin!!!!
Thank you Alfredo and L.B.
Just spectacular!!!...:-)
Thanks for the nice comment and love Inky, and Smiata and Gluechip, I appreciate it.