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WMF acid etched biscuit barrel and claret jug. Hosch 1906-1912?

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (108 items)

    I've had this biscuit barrel for awhile and just recently found this matching Claret Jug at auction. The metal work is marked WMF. My first thought was the glass is Legras and Cie but it was suggested on a French Art Glass group that is might be bohemian, possibly Harrach. My searching has found a very similar design by Moser, but nothing definitive. Any ideas?

    Addendum: I've added a photo of the line drawing from the Hosch catalog (1906-1912) that looks very similar my pieces. I think I'm getting closer.

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    1. MaryGregoryGuy MaryGregoryGuy, 10 years ago
      You would think, but WMF did the metal work for French glass makers too. That's why I'm having such a difficult time nailing it down.
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    3. robin56 robin56, 10 years ago
      I am leaning towards french art glass. If it were bohemuan, I think it would have a little different pattern. But this is only my opinion. LOVE IT
    4. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago

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