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Water Lily or Lily Pond or Crocus or Lotus Bowl Vase by Clarice Cliff

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tigerchips's loves99 of 133Favorite piece, but what is it?Colin Heaney Australia Round Vase 1994
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (100 items)

    A fine example of the freehand of the artist where no two vase are the same.
    This vase is known as Water Lily or Lily Pond or Crocus Bowl or Lotus. Clarice made this probably in the 1930's whilst she was at Newport pottery.. One of my favourite pieces of Clarice Cliff. To find one of this quaity and richness of colour is a great effort. I've seen many and in varying forms of condition but this one has no crazing at all, could be classed as musuem quality.
    In the past the price was too high but fortunately I found one at a reasonable price.
    You can find the vase is pink, soft blues or plain with just the base in colour. There is no doubt the full colour yellow is divine...
    Hope you enjoy!

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      STUNNING !! ive always loved clarice cliff designs and her work is just fab&fun :)
    2. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Envy! Jealousy! Avarice!
      I've got them all.
      Good for you Anne!
    3. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      Thank you Sean and Karen...her work was strangely forgotten for decades after the 40s mainly until the 90's when Gerry Hall attend an auction and bought one of her dinner sets for 2000 pounds... from the moment everyone wanted it...people like me nd my mothers age were rmaging through their china cabinets looking for her items. And I found one trio but I never asked my father for it, I just told him it was there for him to know.He left it to me in his Will when he died. But its items like this I cannot bear to publish on CW as these are really private items... :)
      Cheers Anne W xx
    4. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      just added a new pic of where she now sits in my loungeroom next to my favourite lamp
    5. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      oz marty?? dont you like Clarice Cliff??
    6. martika martika, 9 years ago
      I just looked up your posts. You have got an awesome collection.
    7. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      thanks Martika, so do you...I have hundreds possibly thousands not listed anymore now put up just these.

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