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Glowing With Mystery Delight

In Glassware > Vaseline Glass > Show & Tell and Art Glass > British Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Vaseline Glass493 of 845Vintage Vaseline Jar with Contents Circa 1960sLiberty works relish dish.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (25 items)

    Hello Collector Friends,
    I've missed you all. I've peeped in occasionally but haven't posted for a little while because I've been poorly again. However, this little gem has cheered me somewhat. I bought it a few months ago for coppers down at my local charity shop with the idea of putting my Murano candies in. I ended up using it for real sweeties and then because it has a few little chips in it I decided to sell it as part of a Joblot of collectables because I needed the space. So, later that week was polishing some Art Deco uranium jewellery one evening and gloating over it with my UV light. I was chit-chatting to Himself and gesticulating with the UV pen when the beam hit the box of collectables. Imagine my surprise when it started to glow! I was on my feet pretty sharp to end my Joblot listing, I can tell you.
    Anyway, I've had plenty of down time to 'research' my find but for the life of me I can't find anything out about it at all. Not the maker, the pattern, origins, nothing. So, I'm throwing in the towel and handing it over to my favourite collection of collectors. Come on; give me a glowing report.
    Mwah x

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      What a charming nice surprise :-)
      And good writing of the scene, I could totally figure it!
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      nice basket : ) similarly formed basket were made by several glass houses c1920s-30; but unfortunately this one seems to be an unknown for now. I found another in blue at pressglas:
    3. Hamish Hamish, 10 years ago
      Well here's me thinking only green pressed glass came in a Uranium version. Now I know better!
    4. Hoipolloi Hoipolloi, 10 years ago
      Thank you Kyratango, Talkcakes, and Hamish, for your kind comments and thanks Talkcakes for the link. It is almost identical apart from the blue one is more 'wavy' around the edges. I'm amazed you found that so quickly. I've been searching for days! You must have a little army of researchers. If a position becomes open I will apply, haha.
      Thank you for the Loves everybody. Aww, it's nice to be back xx

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