Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Found this in LA. Didn't quite know what it was at first but then found out that 20 century motor car corp was started in 1973 by a wanted, fraudulent person posing as someone else.
This was a prototype made Elizabeth Carmichael.
14.5" long , resin prototype.
I don't really know how much it's worth.
Oh yes that is sexy in it!
Hi. Just found your post. I have done a bit of research on the 20th century motor company. All their assets were sold off in an auction. I have not found a list of all the items that were sold, but this is an interesting piece. No information on how many models may have been made. Yours is the first I have seen. But given Carmichael was scamming the public, it is probable that a number of models may have been made to promote the car and keep money coming in from the public that was paying in advance for the car.
You probably know that the Richardson museum has one of the full size prototypes. Another is in the Smiths Museum of American Speed in Lincoln Nebraska. A third is reported, but there is some issue on if there were two or three made.
I see sales brochures on sale on Ebay, but have not seen a model like this.
Nice find.
I have a lot of information on the Dale, if you need more information, let me knoe
Terrific find. I'm looking for similar but seems the production model was yellow. Have you seen a yellow resin model?
Midcenturycarfreak - in the off chance you still monitor this site, and you still are in possession of this model, the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles would like to speak with you. Please contact Exhibitions Director Bryan Stevens at and mention the Dale model. Very much appreciated!