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Blue Iridescent Imperial Glass Shape 319 Candle Stick

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (55 items)

    Picked this up the other day and was wondering if anyone could identify the maker? It appears to be an older piece, there is wear on the outer edge of the base. It is a beautiful piece of art glass. The only one I could find similar was Loetz, but the bottom part is not quite the same. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love Moon.....
    2. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      I think I may have found it, imperial glass lead lustre....
    3. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      My thoughts also. Congrats
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      I m thinking the same thing it could be imperial glass and really looks like and it is stunning!!!
    5. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      I have one in orange lustre...same shape
    6. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      It is interesting, it is a Lead Lustre Shape, but has the freehand iridescent color. I have sent out the pictures to someone regarding this and maybe they can help. It is a beautiful piece. Thanks Sean.
    7. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love vetraio
    8. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      Imperial Lead Lustre shape #319 Candlestick
    9. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Thanks Moon....
    10. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Have heard back from the Imperial Glass guy and he stated that he has never seen this Lead Lustre 319 candlestick with a freehand color. The only one he knows of. Pretty cool.
    11. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the loves antiquerose, sklo and racer
    12. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      This is the webpage of Imperial Glass Art Glass. You can see he says this is the only one known in a matte freehand and not mirror glaze finish.
    13. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      hard to read colors from photos sometimes; but this may be Lead Lustre #10 'Dark blue w/ brilliant blue glaze, inside and out'. These were sold as console sets with a 10" bowl and 2 -9"candlestick c1910-29.
    14. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      As per the previous comment, it is #10 but in the freehand matte finish not mirror glaze finish. Per the website above, that is the candlestick and it indicates it is the only one known in the matte finish.
    15. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      if you are saying that this has a satin finish then it's not #10, which has a brilliant glaze per the catalog. #319 was also made with 6 satin iridescent colors per the catalog. But then there is also the possibility that other combinations were made that may not be in a catalog.
    16. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Did you go to the webpage that I had posted? There apparently were a very few that were made with at LL376 Console Bowl. Kinda interesting.
    17. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Interesting on the 6 satin iridescent colors...that may be similar to this, not sure if there are six colors in it, but blue, purple and yellow/green prominent.
    18. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      sorry, didn't mean a 6-color mix but 6 different satin colors. Those 'console' bowls shown at that site do not match the 3762 and 376 console bowls shown in the catalog with the 319 candlesticks.
    19. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      There is one that does match Archer's diagram of the 376 Bowl, but the bottom isn't 100% correct. This 319 Candlestick appears to match Archer's drawing....All I know is what this is, is a 319 Candlestick without a mirror glaze but more of a freehand finish. From what I have seen it appears to be somewhat unique.
    20. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 9 years ago
      Gorgeous colors!
    21. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 9 years ago
      Thanks, actually just picked up one of the lead lustre brilliant candlesticks so have a pair. If they are next to each other you can tell the matte versus the bright, but if they are separated by a foot, it is very difficult to tell the difference.

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