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Imperial Lead Lustre Vases with "Leaf & Vine" Decors - Imperial Glass Company, Bellaire, Ohio, 1925-26

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (150 items)

    Unlike Free Hand, short-lived Lead Lustre was made in paste moulds*
    . . . therefore there are no mould seams on the finished piece. These Lead Lustre pieces, mostly of bone white base glass were, while still hot, "stuck up" on a rod applied to the base and sprayed with metallic salt solutions producing various monochromatic exterior colors or “oversprays” on decorated (e.g. festoons/drag loops or leaf & vine) pieces. When the applied rod was removed, the pontil was ground. Thus Lead Lustre pieces, like Free Hand, have no mould seams and do have ground pontils.

    Here in the first photograph are five documented Imperial Lead Lustre shapes with the four color decorations associated with Lead Lustre Leaf & Vine pieces. The example in the center (white vase glass, blue leaf & vine décor, heavy iridescent orange overspray) is not documented – but this same color combination is documented in the festoon/drag loop décor – décor #22. See my website for more information:

    The second photo shows three undocumented Lead Lustre decors. All these are cased glass, have a cut top and a flat bottom without a pontil. Two have Leaf & Vine decoration and one has Imperial’s Lily Pad & Vine décor (the piece on the left).

    *Paste Mold - A paste-mold is made of cast iron and is lined with a wetted cork-type or pasted-sawdust material. When the hot glass is introduced into the mold, the resulting steam cushion (when the wetted cork vaporizes) gives a smooth finish to the glass, which is rotated in the mold during the blowing step.

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      Lovely glass and fascinating information. Thank you for sharing.
    2. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Great post VioletOrange. Beautiful glass, interesting background.
    3. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 9 years ago
      Thank you for the nice comments, sklo42 & racer4four
    4. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 9 years ago
      Thanks GlueChip & Elisabethan
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      wow!!! great colors and shapes!!
    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      What a beautiful collections, VioletOrange, amazing, i don't own any for now, but seem to have a boom on those now, maybe in a near future i will lucky to find one.

    7. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 9 years ago
      Thanks Sean
    8. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 9 years ago
      Thanks Alan2310, good fortune in the hunt!
    9. yesterdaysglass yesterdaysglass, 9 years ago
      Nice write up.....and I always love group shots :)
    10. inky inky, 9 years ago
      Great post Violet Orange thank you...and a wonderful kaleidoscope of vases!....:-)
    11. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 9 years ago
      Thank you Penny
    12. inky inky, 8 years ago
      Hi Ernie...I'd like to wish you and all your family a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Year..thank you so much for your constant support over the years!...Penny xox
    13. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 8 years ago
      Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness Penny. Merry Christmas and a great 2017 to you and yours. Ernie

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