Posted 9 years ago
(308 items)
I was moving my Hot Wheels from "temporary storage" to "long term storage". I was surprised to find another 41 Mustangs. Illustrating just how bad the Mustang Collecting problem is. lol. To make matters worse, I have more in "long term storage". There are some there that I haven't seen in 8-10 years.
Thank you Vetraio50 and Bladerunner22 for the "Love it" click.
I use to have problem, big time with Hot-wheels, long long time ago, i still have some, just wonder where are they, so much stuff...;-(
Love it.
Same problem here Alan. Who knows how many more I have. Sometimes I just find them where I forgot I'd put them. lol.
This post amused me Dean....we have all been there!
An interesting pairing you have - Hot Wheels and art glass.
That's just scratching the surface Karen. I have small collections of other things. Lighter collection, comic books, Lava lights, Action figures, Ford Mustang magazines, marbles, yo-yos, and the beat goes on. My name is Dean, and I'm a collector. lol
Love your collection!
Thank you Alan2310, Inky, Fortapache, Racer4Four, Kaputs11 and Virginia.Vintage for the "Love it" click.
Thank you Vetraio50 and Trey for the "Love it" click.
Thank you AzTom and Rick55 for the "Love it" click.
Thank you Caperkid for the "Love it" click.