Posted 9 years ago
(343 items)
A beautiful print of an advertisement of Philips Arga, a light bulb produced by the Dutch company Philips. The poster was designed and printed in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1919 as the back cover of one of the more important magazines “Caras y Caretas” . The ad reads: Philips Arga, es la major lamparita (Philips Arga, is the best lamp). The brand Philips is also shown printed on the glass of the filament lamp in the bottom left corner. All the design is outstanding Art Deco from my point of view, in Buenos Aires was so popular at those days together with Art Nouveau. I think that the Art Deco Porteño (we call people of Bs. As in this way because they exist as a consequence of being the only great port) has his own characteristic with many and bright colors and not as geometric as others. You can see this lady reading leaning over several cushions like an odalisque, with the turban on the head, the shoe (I have a picture of my grandmother on her secondary school graduation day from 1920 with the shoe heel with that shape) that seems almost a slipper and the bracelet in the ankle. The book is an excuse to be enlightened by the modern lamp while she is staring at you with the blue eyes. It is the theme under the hole design and it is explain in the written square that you reach when looking to the pasamanerie of the the violet cushion that is lying down “Arga, you know the charm of this mysterious word. Arga (as it was the name of the woman) is a delightful doll that seduces with his brightness, Arga is fully spirit. It is signed but I am not able to read it (third picture). Thanks for any coment.
I found one similar poster here (fourth picture),29788601,var,Reclame-PHILIPS--lampe-Arga-12-Watt--art-deco-TOP,language,E.html
Awesome advertisement. I searched for vtg Jiako advertising. Not the right thing to search, but thought I'd try it. Nothing on this that I can tell but I came up with a lot of Asian writing so I can't read it. Wonder if I'm close???
I do not know dear shareurpassion. I thought I could read something like J L Arco...
another one
Probably Jorge Larco
nice Adverts!!
Thanks Sean for your kind comment
These are them...:-)
Thanks Inky for the comment and love
thanks ruckle and vladimir for the loves